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Height And Weight Chart

What is your ideal body weight for your height? What is considered to be the average size woman? How to discover ideal height and weight for each female?
Why we need height and weight charts? – There are several reasons:

    In most cases the accurate women’s height and weight charts are useful for comparing your height and weight to others of the same age, gender and race/ethnic group, and they show you the national average weight and heights;
According to experienced health experts - adults who are overweight and have weight related medical problems or a family history of such problems can benefit from weight loss. Even a small weight loss of 10 to 20 pounds can improve your overall general health by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
    Weight deficit also can be a problem. If you are underweight you may need to gain some weight, this should always be done as part of a balanced and nutritious diet. Underweight people always have health problems. You need to know more about anorexia side effects, how to gain weight and how to use food pyramids.
    Ideal body weight for adults is a very useful tool to check the appropriate weight for height for an individual. It is very essential to maintain ideal weight to prevent any health risks.

It is important to know that people have different body types, so there is no single number that's the right weight for everyone. Even among people who are the same height and age, some are more muscular or more developed than others. That's because not all women have the same body type or develop at the same time.

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